Not personal enough for the players? Let the main characters wife/girlfriend get killed and now you have to go out on revenge. You are The Dragon which is a mage who can shoot fire from his hands and it is your job to free the land from this darkness that has been oppressed by this dark magic. The story is of course generic as all hell. Let’s see how making you an overpowered mage with fire, ice and psychic powers can be even close to being a piss poor game. I was thinking 2016 was being a decent year not too many great games so far, but from what I played no piles of **** either.

Now I must say this is the console version only I hear decent things about the PC version of Lichdom Battlemage, but Xbox One version can lick my taint. Hello everyone Brandon here with what quite possibly might be the worst game I’ve played all year. Why? Because that would mean you are associated with Lichdom Battlemage, and you want to avoid that like the **** plague or those Nazgul **** from the Harry Potter movies. Why? Because that would mean you are associated with You’re a wizard Harry, but not The Dragon you seriously don’t want to be The Dragon. You’re a wizard Harry, but not The Dragon you seriously don’t want to be The Dragon. I don't know how many times I will be willing to do this so I may be forced to abandon the game. You can't even exit out to the main menu, you have to turn off your console and start the game again. Ackkkkkkk!!!!!! I tried rebooting my console think it was an Xbox live issue but no, it is the game. To explain, I am logged in on my console but the game does not accept that I am logged in and keeps asking me who I am. It also has a very confusing upgrade system and the fact that you can't read the tiny stats adds to the confusion. I have never had this problem with any other game and it is driving me nuts. It is a real shame and that is why I am giving it a 4 rating as it has potential to be a good game but it is very frustrating that the game won't even accept my log in unless I exit out and reload and sometimes not even then.

It is a real shame and that is why I am giving it a I should have listened to the user reviews as they are right about this game being broken. I should have listened to the user reviews as they are right about this game being broken.